Atlantis Resort, Bahamas

Atlantis Resort, Bahamas
Rachel & Dan

Rachel, Bruce(Dad), Amy "Happy Family" We get to travel together!

Taste of Summit Speaker Shawn Achor

Cancun, Mexico

Cancun, Mexico
Amy & Rachel

New Associate Tips:

1) Be sure to be in contact with your Summit advisor often; Rachel Fielding (910) 574 7813. You are expected to be a leader so have courage to ask for assistance, and be present on all the LLI training calls, and team calls.

2) Complete your Business Plan within your fist 10 days in business. Contact Rachel Fielding (910) 574 7813 for details

3) You are eligible for a $500 discount off of your Liberty ticket, and $800 off of your Summit ticket, when you purchase within your first 10 days in business. Those who take action quickly reap the rewards.

4) Listen to the 5 Principles of Success audio below, to leverage your time and create big results.

5 Principles of Success "A Must for The New Associate"

L.A. Kickoff Event!

L.A. Kickoff Event!
Sue, Firestones, Amy, Bruce, Rachel, Mark, David

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Looking for a Good Coach?

Bob Davies is a very interesting being. He is a master coach of life. I invite you to visit his website and ask to be on his mailing list. He offers bi-monthly coaching calls free to us, since we have chosen for him to speak at one of our conferences. He is an excellent resource.

One of his major messages is accountability. Writing a behavioral contract each week with a consequence that is uncomfortable/painful. Example: Bob made a contract with himself that if he didn't get up and exercise for a certain amount of time, for a set number of days, he would have to email his database telling everyone he cannot be trusted and he does not do what he says. Ouch!

Here is an example of a behavioral contract: (cut & paste)

I,_______________________ give my word that I specifically commit to:

By (date):____________________________
The enforceable consequence I will honor if I don't complete the above is:__________________________________________________

Be sure to start off with bite size commitments to build confidence. Pushing your comfort zone too early can lead to sabotage, be easy and gentle with yourself.

Because you are part of a team you can choose to have an accountability partner, either one you choose or contact your advisor to match you up with someone you may not have met yet. You can IM (instant message) each other as often as you choose to stay on track. I encourage you to make this a part of your regular routine and watch the results blossom!

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